
As a 2nd generation Realtor, I've been immersed in the world of real estate from an early age. My journey in this field started when my father became a Realtor in my hometown of Houston, Texas when I was 4 years old. When I was 7, my family moved to New Orleans and that's where I grew up! The Big Easy helped shape and mold some of my likes and desires such as a fine meal with lovely company, a good conversation, a live band of almost of genre, distinct architecture & culture and of course, countless memories of lively Mardi Gras parades and Jazz Festivals — New Orleans definitely left its mark on me. While searching for a city to escape the southern heat, Chicago was the first one that came to mind. Its vibrancy, culture, food choices, music venues, indoor/outdoor activities, transportation options and many other reasons, truly give Chicagoland its legendary status.

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