
Often times when we are looking for professional help, it is hard to find out if that person is thoroughly qualified enough to handle the task you are hiring them for. In real estate, we can quantify our experiences with previous transactions to help show our capabilities. I am very proud of my success as a real estate agent. in 2020 I was once again the highest producing agent at my office.

While I do have over a decade of experience as a licesned REALTOR, there are agents with more years of experience than me; what I have noticed is that several of those folks are stuck in the old way of doing things. Agents that have been around for a long time may be accustom to a system where EVERY agent represented the seller in a transaction. I have only ever known the current system, which is that as a buyer or seller, I get to represent you throughout the entire process. I owe you confidentiality and to have your best interest in mind, which is something that I wear as a badge of honor.

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