Golden Visa

"Investor Visa" or "Golden Visa"

A program known as the "Investor Visa" or "Golden Visa" is a type of visa for high-net-worth individuals, non-EU citizens, who are interested in obtaining a residency permit in Italy. Well, they can do that by making a significant contribution to the Italian economy, to wit through investments in real estate, innovative startups or government bonds. It is possible to apply for this visa by investing:


    €250,000 in an innovative start-up

    €500,000 in a limited company

    €2,000,000 in government bonds, or

    make a €1,000,000 philanthropic donation


    You’ll need to maintain your investment for as long as you want to keep your visa.

After 5 years, you can apply for permanent residency in Italy which will no longer oblige you to maintain your investment level.